Transmission Meditation

Posted by Fizaazida | Sunday, July 20, 2008 | 0 comments »

An in-depth discussion of this potent means of world service and personal spiritual growth for experienced and new meditators.

Meditation is, depending on the meditation, a more or less scientific means of contacting the soul, and of eventually becoming at- one with the soul. That is the basic purpose of meditation of any kind.

Transmission Meditation is a way of serving the world. Unlike many other forms of meditation, it attracts to it only those people who have a desire to serve. This desire to serve manifests itself in an individual only when that person has made some degree of contact with his or her own soul. This is because it is the soul which desires to serve. The nature of the soul is to serve. The first response to soul contact (whether it is followed up or not) is a desire to serve the world in some way.

Transmission Meditation provides a simple, easy form of very potent service to the world which at the same time is an extremely potent, fast method of personal growth. This personal, evolutionary result is a side effect of the Transmission Meditation process. The Masters have at their disposal tremendous spiritual energies. A major part of the Masters' work is to distribute these energies in the world to produce the effects, the fulfilment of the Plan of Evolution which They know to be envisaged for this planet.

The Masters are the custodians of the Plan and the custodians of the energies which bring about the fulfilment of the Plan. Many of these energies are cosmic in source and if they were released directly into the world they would be too high, and would simply bounce off the mass of humanity. Transmission Meditation groups act as sub-stations. The Masters send these spiritual energies through the chakras of the individuals in the groups. This automatically transforms the energies, making them more accessible, more usable by humanity. The Masters then direct the energies into the world wherever they are needed. There are several hundreds of transmission groups, all over the world, and they meet regularly at a particular time and day, whatever is suitable for the individual group. This can be once, twice or three times a week.

The groups can be anything from three people upwards. Three people form a triangle; that is the basic group. The group meets and sounds together, aloud, the Great Invocation, which has been given to humanity for this purpose. This Invocation was released to the world in 1945 by Maitreya to give us a technique for invoking the energies which would transform the world and prepare for His coming. By the sounding of this great mantram with the attention focused on the ajna centre (between the eyebrows), a conduit is formed between the group and the Hierarchy of Masters. Through that conduit the Masters send their energies.

These spiritual forces are precisely the energies which are transforming the world right now. Maitreya fills the world with the energy of equilibrium, for example, and national leaders find that they can work together, can compromise, can reach some kind of consensus, almost overnight. Suddenly, nations who have been enemies for centuries, perhaps, find that they can talk together round a table, and peacefully work out a solution. They are simply responding correctly to the energies which the Hierarchy of Masters are sending out into the world. That is the service which the transmission groups perform for the world. It allows you to move away from simple contact with your own soul to a working relationship with the Kingdom of Souls, the Spiritual Hierarchy of Masters.

It is not possible to work in this way, to have the energies sent through the chakras, without the chakras themselves being stimulated, galvanized and transformed. The Masters measure the point in evolution of any individual disciple by the quality of light emanating from the chakras. People talk about auras: brilliant auras and rather dull auras, wide auras and narrow auras. The auras are really the synthesis of all the energies emanating through into - and out of - the chakras up the spine. The more active, the more stimulated these chakras are, the greater the radiation, the wider and more brilliant the aura. This designates the degree of the disciple.

In Transmission Meditation, your chakras are stimulated in a way that would be altogether impossible otherwise. In one year of consistent, intensive Transmission Meditation, you can make the same kind of advance as in 10 or 15 years of personal meditation. It is a hothouse, a forcing process. For this reason, it is not for everyone. Only those who wish to serve the world in some way would be bothered to do Transmission Meditation, because nothing seems to be happening during the meditation. You may or may not be aware of the energies; some feel the energies very clearly and powerfully, some do not feel them at all. This has little to do with your point of advancement, but, in the main, with your particular type of physical body.

This work, however, leads to very profound changes in the ]individual. Most people, within six months or a year of starting Transmission Meditation, realize the changes in themselves, recognize that they are becoming a different, a better person. People find that they can experience, and demonstrate, love more easily. They find that their minds are more stimulated and creative. They may find that they have more discipline, more determination, more consistency in their approach to work. People see their group members become more radiant, softer, more loving - in a word, more spiritual.

A large number of people receive healing, spontaneously, during the transmissions. The technique involved is very simple and is applicable to anyone above the age of 12. Transmission Meditation does not interfere with any other form of meditation which you might do. On the contrary, it can only potentize, make more valuable, any other meditation. It is absolutely safe because it is in the hands of the Masters, the Master scientists of the planet. It is potent, safe and scientific because the real work, the major work, is done for you by the Masters themselves. All that you are asked to do in a Transmission Meditation is to hold your attention at the ajna centre between the eyebrows. That is all. You will find, however, that your attention will wander from this centre. When you realize that this has happened, you sound, inwardly, the mantram OM, or think OM, and your attention will come back automatically to the ajna centre. Holding the attention at the ajna centre produces an alignment between the physical brain and the soul. The energies are sent from the level at which the Masters habitually work: the soul level (the buddhic level, to be precise). While that alignment is held, the transmission will take place.

I can assure you that there is no more potent service that you can give so easily, with such little expenditure of effort, to the world. Nor will you find a technique of personal growth so potent, so far- reaching, for such little effort. All the Masters, perfect as they are, spend 24 hours a day in transmitting their energies. There is no being in cosmos not involved in transmitting energy from levels above to levels below Them. We live in an energetic universe. That energy, from however high a level, is being transmitted, stepped down, received; transmitted, stepped down, and received, throughout cosmos. If you find that Transmission Meditation is for you, then you have a mode of service which will last until the end of your life and through all future lives.

Reprinted with the kind permission of Share International Magazine.
Authors Details: Benjamin Creme.

Benjamin Creme is the British chief editor of Share International, an artist, author, lecturer and esotericist. His telepathic contact with a Master of Wisdom allows him to receive up-to- date information on the Christ's emergence and to expand on the Ageless Wisdom Teachings.

Increasing Psychic Abilities

Posted by Fizaazida | Sunday, July 20, 2008 | 0 comments »

Increasing Psychic Abilities With this Meditation Technique

We all have psychic abilities. For many people this ability is dormant or asleep. It’s a bit like the person who sits at a piano for the first time and discovers that they have a natural talent for music. The ability was always present it just takes the right circumstances for the talent to become apparent.

Most of us have times in our lives when we notice something at work that can be considered psychic. Usually this psychic ability is in the form of intuition, hunches or gut responses that seem to defy reason or logic. These uncanny hunches and sudden insights can sometimes leave us feeling bewildered, but the truth is that they are a perfectly natural ability. And like any other talent, psychic abilities can be trained and perfected.

There are any number of tools and methods available to the psychic any or all of which may help to increase or focus intuitive skills. Most psychics use some form of meditation to enter a frame of mind that heightens intuitive awareness. Some read palms or tea leaves, tarot cards or rune stones or use a crystal ball; some may involve intricate rituals. Regardless of the tools used to assist a psychic reading they each serve to aid the psychic in entering a form of focused meditation which greatly enhances the natural intuitive sense.

A focused meditation technique provides the frame of mind that is most receptive to intuitive information. Meditation quiets the mind, filters out the noise and chatter of the conscious. This filtering of conscious noise allows the sub-conscious mind to voice its thoughts, as well as enable the mind to tune in to the environment. Some have called this a heightened state of awareness or altered consciousness. The attention is drawn inward with a kind of detached awareness. Developing your ability to enter into this heightened state of mind plays the important role in increasing your intuitive senses.

If you’re unfamiliar with the practice of meditation then the following meditation technique should help to gain a better understanding of the methods used. This exercise focuses on breathing and visualization. Controlled breathing provides an area of immediate connection with the mind and body and also increases the supply of oxygen to the brain.

Begin by finding a comfortable place to perform your meditation. This can be any place of your choosing, provided that you find it comfortable and relaxing. It is not required for you to sit, though you may, if you choose. Many people find it difficult to sit still for any length of time. Standing or even walking slowly is perfectly acceptable for the sake of this exercise.

Focus your attention on your breathing. Notice the air as it enters your body. Try to breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Take slow, deep breaths.

Inhale slowly through your nose and hold the breath in for nine seconds, then exhale slowly for another nine seconds, count out the seconds steadily, not rushed and not sluggish, try to find a pace that feels comfortable, just remember to relax your breathing.

Inhale for nine seconds, exhale for nine seconds, and repeat this process nine times. With every breath, imagine that you are inhaling precious life giving air and exhaling any unwanted energies. After you have repeated this cycle nine times you can begin your visualization. Try to maintain the rhythm of your breathing without counting it out in your head.

At this point you may notice random thoughts popping into your head, simply dismiss them as they enter your mind, let them slip away easily.

Imagine that you are walking across a dry and sandy landscape. The temperature is comfortable, the air is easy to breath and you feel at ease.

As you walk along you notice a shape on the horizon. As you near the shape you see that it is a stone building, a round, stone building with a single door. You are facing the door and now you see that this door is slightly open and a light is coming from inside.

Now, you are standing at the door and decide to push the door open. You open the door and enter the stone building.

Inside you see a round room with a table in the centre. The room is well lit, warm and comfortable. You approach the table and notice a small wooden box, paper and a pen.

You form a question in your mind that you would like answered, an issue that you would like resolved, it does not take you any time to form this question. You write this question on the paper before you and place the paper in the box. You see the box has a lid and you close it.

After a moment you open the box, you see that the question is no longer written there, instead an answer has appeared. You take the answer with you as you leave the building and return to your present space.

You may see immediate results with this exercise or it may take several attempts before the answers found within the box make any sense to you.

Over time this visualization becomes much easier to enter into and you may be tempted to treat this exercise as some sort of oracle. This is not the true intention. Instead what we are trying to accomplish is entering into the receptive mode of meditation that was spoken of earlier. The easier it is to enter into this state the more likely it is that you will become tuned into receiving intuitive information.

Authors Details: Dr. Jeffry R. Palmer Ph.D.

Grounding and Centering Exercises

Posted by Fizaazida | Sunday, July 20, 2008 | 0 comments »

Grounding Exercise #1

This is a grounding that I did once spontaneously and it worked amazingly well for me. It is Far Eastern in flavor, but try it and see. Take a moment after each session to journal.

First, if you don't get it the first or second or third time, don't hassle yourself. Just keep trying and be gentle with yourself. Second, get a notebook because you are going to be taking notes. Third, do this every day for 5 minutes. Fourth, repeat the first step until you have it in your head firmly. It will be our first and foremost rule.

Sit or lie down. Be comfortable. Put on some white noise if you need too. Or soft music may help. Let's get the basics down first.

This is about grounding and centering. Your center is that place that is there when you need inner strength. It is that place you reach for when your world is falling apart. It is always there. You don't lose your center.

See yourself in the center of a lotus blossom. The lotus is lovely and open.... pretty pink-purple (color choice is yours) petals laying about you. Now see the petals begin to rise. One by one they form about you. You are in the center with light streaming in from the cracks as the petals draw tighter. See the petals absorb into you as you become the lotus bud itself. Feel the heaviness in your stomach as you sink into the blossom.

Be at peace. Feel the quiet you have created for yourself. This is your center and you can find it any time. Try to stay here for a few heartbeats. Don't worry about random thoughts. Acknowledge them and put them aside for now. You can come back to them later. Let the solidness become familiar to you. When you are ready, let the blossom that is you unfold slowly. Petal by petal let them drop softly to the ground until you are once again sitting in the center of the lotus blossom.

Grounding exercise #2
This is one I learned from Starhawk's Spiral Dance. It is a very often-done meditation and you may have seen versions of this one in many places and from many people. This is my version.

Get comfortable. For this one, I find that sitting works best. I like to sit in a chair or sit with my back against something.

Take a deep breath and hold it. It is this space between breathing that I believe the Buddhist refer to as the "awareness". I need to research that though. Release the breath slowly.

Take a deep breath and hold it. (counting 1-2-3-4-5 slowly) and release the breath slowly.
Take a deep breath and hold it. (counting 1-2-3-4-5 slowly) and release the breath slowly.
Take a deep breath and hold it. (counting 1-2-3-4-5 slowly) and release the breath slowly.
Take a deep breath and hold it. (counting 1-2-3-4-5 slowly) and release the breath slowly.

Now, see in your mind's eye a tree. Don't worry if the tree isn't crystal clear. Just remember a tree you once knew. Sit down with your back against that tree. Feel the trunk against your back and know that this is a safe spot for you.

Now, your spine is the conductor of your chakras. The base chakra is the root chakra. This is literally where your spine ends. I want you to extend that base chakra down. This is your taproot. Press it down into the earth until you can feel that pulling at your center. Relax and just feel how this affects your body for a moment.

Now, slowly begin drawing energy up from the earth. Let it fill the root chakra. (pause). Now it moves to the belly chakra. Feel the energy slowly spreading. (pause) Next it moves to your solar plexus chakra. (pause) And now your heart chakra. Note what the energy feels like to you. Is it cool? cold? warm? hot? prickly? itchy? (pause) Now the energy moves up to your throat chakra. (pause) And to the third eye chakra (pause) As it reaches your crown chakra, feel the energy spill up and out like a waterfall. (pause)

Let this waterfall flow down to the earth and soak back into the ground. This is the energy pool that is always available to you. Take a few moments to feel the cycle of the waterfall.

(pause for at least two minutes here)

Now, let the waterfall gradually ebb back into your crown chakra. It slides down to your third eye. Past your throat chakra and to the heart chakra. Now the solar plexus down to the belly chakra. As it moves back to the root chakra, begin to draw your tap root up into the root as well. Excess energies will be flushed through the root chakra leaving behind only what you need.

When you feel ready, open your eyes and come back to yourself.